The Coding Journey:

Jul 28, 2021

The coding continues👨‍💻:

So yes ! The past week was not so productive as I was expecting, I found myself struggling over some of the hard repositories that are already mentioned in my previous blog. But the positive thing is I finally started working on the extensions : CirrusSearch which was considered as the most critical repositories due to its local environment setup. Also to be in flow I created some more patches regarding T283597.

Here is the current status of the task:

  1. CirrusSearch (Patch created for v6) => v7 remaining
  2. Popups (Blocked for a while) refer: T286846
  3. Echo (Blocked for a while) refer : T271281
  4. wikibaseLexeme(Blocked for a while)
  5. portals/deploy (patch not created yet)

